16.02.2024 06:09
[Huizhou city city district operational department] has received, postman:, phone:15986596013
14.02.2024 21:43
Hand over to airline
Bhuj Sorting
13.02.2024 13:17
The shipment is in transit to DHL
12.02.2024 04:51
Arrived at [Shanghai international terminal] (transit)
Gajuwaka S.O (Beat Number:3)
10.02.2024 20:25
Yanwen Pickup scan
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou city
09.02.2024 11:59
Arrived at destination processing center
Hangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Hangzhou city
08.02.2024 03:33
The item has been delivered successfully
06.02.2024 19:07
Departed Post Office
Qingdao International Mail Processing Center, Qingdao city
05.02.2024 10:41
Departure from Regional Sorting Center
RI, RUMFORD, 02916
04.02.2024 02:15
Arrived at Sort Facility Guangzhou
02.02.2024 17:49
Arrival at Delivery Office
01.02.2024 09:23
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
31.01.2024 00:57
Flight departed
GZ international airport, GZ international airport
29.01.2024 16:31
Payment of charges - Item being held, addressee being notified
28.01.2024 08:05
Package transferred to post office
26.01.2024 23:39
Processed Through Facility
Zhengzhou International Mail Processing Center, Zhengzhou
25.01.2024 15:13
Handed over to the Carrirer
Province international Tsuen Wan operational department, Guangzhou city
24.01.2024 06:47
Inbound in sorting center
Tracking numbers examples: